Are you and your child fighting his/her obesity ? The author of this product knows all about this, having been an overweight child herself.
Your child is in danger of a major health risky so you have to do something now to change the situation. Help the child to overcome the weight problem and to enjoy life again as well as getting back to full health.
Not only health is at risk, being overweight can be stressful mentally as well. Other children, being children, can be very cruel and thoughtless. They tend to taunt the overweight child and make them feel as though they don't belong to the 'in' crowd. Physically also, they may be having a difficult time of it trying to do all the things their peers may be doing, gym class, school games etc.
This e-book, as I say written by a previous childhood sufferer, tells all that she wishes had been available when she was growing up. The information she gives would have helped her overcome miserable times a lot easier. However, that information is here now so it can benefit your child.
You will find out why children become obese, what you can do to help them overcome the weight problem, how to get them to eat properly whether you are there to oversee them or not. How to get them to exercise and to enjoy doing it, and to rid themselves of the extra weight and to keep it off.
All parents want what's best for their children, and that includes the best information possible about any problem which may occur. Being overweight is such a problem these days, for children as well as adults.
This guide is filled with common-sense ideas and tips. You will be given things which can result in immediate weight loss for your child, you will be amazed. You will learn how to recognize if your child is definitely clinically obese and to find out just why.
It tells which health conditions seriously overweight children are prone to, you must be prepared to be surprised by these. Also, according to age, how you can accommodate the weight loss, because what is good for one age is not necessarily good for another.
How you can get an exercise regime going and also to make it enjoyable for the child, not just something they have to do because you say so. Eating habits need to be addressed as well, because without a change there you will be up against a brick wall.
You will be able to see your child rise to the challenge of this weight loss program. Once he or she sees weight coming off I am sure that will spur them on, and once they start to see a decrease in the teasing and taunting from their fellow schoolmates, I am sure they will be keen to carry on.
You will get some backchat I am sure when you start changing menus. It may be that you will have to reorganize your own eating plan so that you will be setting a good example.
It's a very sad fact but a survey recently found that about one third of US children are either overweight or at risk of becoming so. That means a total of about 25 million children up to adolescents are either overweight already or in danger of becoming so.
One of the big problems is that kids don't play outdoors much any more, they get themselves stuck behind a TV, a PC, or on video games etc. Whilst they may enjoy this, it is not good as a full time employment of their free time. They need to be out in the fresh air, running, playing and generally getting some physical exercise from these activities.
Part of the problem may be that children are dropping the Phys. Ed classes in favor of doing something else. So - if they suffer a weight gain there is hardly a chance that they will be able to lose the weight again.
In years gone by, children always played outside, games, riding their bicycle, climbing trees etc. All of which was fun and good exercise. The children nowadays try to grow up too quickly and consider these activities as 'uncool'. Uncool they may be, but they kept previous generations fit and trim.
So unless you want your children to grow up to be 'couch potatoes' you must do something positive to help them return to fitness. They need a good example of future nutrition so that when they grow up and have children of their own, they will see that being overweight is not one of their own children's problems.
About the Author
Jean is committed to finding the best information about weight loss products and to giving this to the consumer so that they may make an informed decision as to which product to buy, such as Click Here!
16 years ago