Whether you are looking to lose weight or to eat healthy, here are some tips for a healthy diet.
Begin every meal by eating your low calorie foods first, such as fruits and vegetables. Next eat your meats and other proteins, which are very filling. It's very important to eat protein at each meal, because these help your body to feel full. Try adding eggs and black beans to your diet. They are an excellent source of protein, with virtually no carbs or sugars. End your meal with your higher calorie starches. You will find yourself filling up more on the low calorie foods, and eating less of the high calorie ones.
Decrease the amount of carbohydrates you eat in the evening. Carbs let your body store fat. Your metabolism is the slowest during the night., so don't put fat storing carbs into your body in the evening.
Eat smaller meals more often. For a healthy diet, it's recommended to eat 6-8 smaller meals every day. This will actually increase your metabolism and help you lose weight faster.
Drink more water. It's important to stay hydrated, but drinking a glass of water when you are hungry can actually curb your appetite. Water also is imperative for digestion and cleansing your body.
On the other hand, cut down on all other drinks because they all have calories. Don't drink pop at all. If you drink juice, water it down.
Also, take a day off each week and eat whatever you want. Knowing that you can eat the food you are craving in just a few days, will help you to resist during your healthy diet days. Or consider both Saturday and Sunday as break days. Even if you gain a little bit of weight over the weekend, it will keep you motivated to eat right during the week. Eventually, you will crave less foods less often and find yourself eating healthier even on your non diet days.
Begin now to make your diet healthier. Implement at least one of the ideas in this article today and you will begin to look better and feel better.
About the Author
Gina Clark writes on nutrition and fitness. Click here for more tips to improve the quality of your life.
16 years ago