Saturday, April 12, 2008

Five Ways To Weight Loss, Which One Is For You?

Before you decide on how you intend to succeed at weight loss, you need to decide if this weight loss program or system is for you, i.e. to remain healthy, as well as to lose the excess weight. Many factors affect how well your weight loss program will go including how much physical activity you have during a normal day, the type of food you eat, how many meals you have and when those meals are eaten.

There is more harm caused to an overweight person than just pride as many serious medical conditions are a result of one being overweight. Weight is not just a simple health problem and an easy weight loss treatment that works 100 percent of the time doesn't exist. Surprisingly, there are methods that provide a high degree of success. We'll breifly discuss five weight loss methods below;

1. Natural Weight Loss

The principle of natural weight loss is not consuming more calories than your body uses. A reasonable approach to natural weight loss is to stick to a diet that is high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, moderate in protein, and low in fat. A meal such as this would be something like a baked potato (complex carbohydrate), the fiber is vegetables and protein is a lean cut of meat.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should also throw in some lite physical activity such as a walk/jog in the park or a little gym work once or twice a week. This also helps you feel more energetic and helps increase the metabolism rate.

2. Weight Loss Drugs

There are many overweight people who are impatient and want instant results so they resort to taking weight loss drugs instead of living a healthy lifestyle.

These drugs work in a variety of ways but mainly they try to fool the brain into thinking the stomach is full and increase the person's metabolism.

Weight control pills can be prescribed by your doctor, dietitian or purchased in a drug store and despite the advances made in the drug manufacture, there are still dangers including vomiting and stomach problems. You must check the packet carefully before you decide to use them because some of the other side effects can be even more harmful, like the possibility of a heart attack or even a stroke, with hallucinations, tremors, breathing problems and convulsions all recorded as side effects for users of these drugs.

3. Lipsuction

Liposuction or Lipoplasty as the cosmetic surgeons refer to it has become another very popular aesthetic body treatment which removes unwanted body fat. This normally works best for the thighs, bottom and stomach as it can treat this problem when some other methods fail. Two basic techniques of Liposuction used are the Tumescent and Ultrasonic techniques. The most popular of these two is the Tumescent method.

4. Green Tea

Nature seems to have a cure for everything if you can find it and with the health benefits of green tea only just being understood, it is used a great deal especially within the weight loss industry and for products which are used as antioxidants. Green tea weight loss extracts can be purchased easily in liquid and tablet form but whichever way you take it, you will burn calories, naturally.

There is generally an acclimatization period of a couple of days when using this product, during which time the user may feel some stomach and bowel discomfort but it shouldn't take too long before this vanishes. Results are normally obvious within the first week, particularly if you complete the diet with physical exercise, lots of liquids and green food.

5. Hoodia

One of the biggest discoveries in recent years to help people control their weight is the Hoodia plant and for many people this plant has great potential. Hoodia is from the cactus family and there are thirteen in all. Only one variant, the 'Gordonii', possesses the ability to suppress appetite.

Hoodia weight loss products are all the more effective given the fact that they are completely free from side-effects. There are no unpleasant digestive problems or heart rhythm disturbances that often happen with other appetite inhibitors.

This does not mean however, that you should discontinue healthy eating and drinking during the time you are taking it.

So in conclusion, regardless of what weight loss system or product you use, they can never be a substitute for living a healthy lifestyle. There is no point to weight loss if you are going to damage yourself in the process. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right, drink right and exercise right. You will feel great for it.

About the Author

Find more information on losing weight, naturally or with weight loss products and programs at;