It is close to dinnertime and you are starving. You cannot wait and need something right now, but don't want to sabotage all that you have accomplished. Your willpower is growing dim and you are struggling, yet you must have something, just something that will tide you over. That cookie looks really good and that's okay, but you just know that one leads to two, and three, and........STOP!
Don't ruin it now. You have been working out for weeks and you are really noticing a difference in the way that your clothes look and feel. You have come too far for that and just think of that new dress that you want to wear to that special upcoming event. Instead here are some great snacks that will help you to squelch that rumbling tummy. Remember though...portion control is the key to success. Try eating these foods instead and you will get through those difficult times between meals.
Here is a list of foods under 100 calories:
Vegetables: Between 15 and 40 calories
Celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, green beans, radishes, green peppers, lettuce, pickles.
Fruits: Between 40 and 70 calories
Oranges, apples, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe, tangerines, peaches, apricots, nectarine, ½ of a banana.
Crackers: Between 30 and 90 calories
Melba toast, Matzoh, pretzels (5), puffed wheat, puffed rice, Bran Chex, graham crackers (2 squares), breadsticks (1), vanilla wafers (5), rice cakes, cream of wheat, ½ a bagel, ½ of an English muffin.
Miscellaneous Items: Between 10 and 90 calories
Sugar-free gelatin, non-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free popsicles, sugar free fudgesicles, popcorn,a hard boiled egg, a piece of toast, Italian ice, a can of chicken noodle soup, slice of American cheese, fruit flavored yogurt, sugar-free pudding.
Drinks: Between 0 and 90 calories
Tea, coffee, seltzer water, diet sodas, grapefruit juice, orange juice, skim milk, apple juice, cranberry juice, carrot juice, tomato juice, water, sugar-free drink mixes.
Eat any of the above in a reasonable portion and you will be able to curb your appetite until your next meal without spoiling what you have accomplished. Also, don't forget to check out your grocery store for prepackaged weight loss packets of great snacks that are less than 100 calories. There are cereals, cookies, crackers, gelatin and pudding cups, popcorn and more items available that are already packaged to help you take the guesswork and temptation away from you. Or better yet, prepackage your own cereal and other items in little plastic baggies, which is more cost effective. It may take a little more time or be a little more costly, but worth it in the long run if it helps you to control your eating.
Choose your snacks wisely and plan your meals ahead. Think about when you will need a snack and be careful during your weakest moment. Keep a prepackaged snack and a bottle of water with you in case you have the munchies while you are on the go. Remember, you did not come this far just to lose it on a high calorie snack that could have been avoided with a little thought in mind.
About the Author
Follow a forty-something year old mom's journey from overweight to healthy and fit. Check out some of her favorite recipes and food finds at
16 years ago