You want results and you want them fast... so how much fat can you really expect to lose? Let's find out.
Did you know that there are 3500 calories stored in each pound of fat? That means that if you want to lose one pound of fat you must find a way to burn up 3500 extra calories.
When you look at it this way you can see why it is so hard to shed the pounds right? After all, the average american consumes over 2500 calories a day. So even skipping one day of eating will not shed a single pound of fat.
Needless to say we all know that not eating is NOT the right thing to do correct? Because when we starve ourselves, the body just shuts things down, like your fat burning metabolism. And worst off your body will start stealing nutrients from your muscles - which incase you didn't know is the only thing in your body that actually burns calories. So you need to keep muscle and you need to keep your metabolism up.
That said, by using a conventional diet what can you expect to lose?
Well instead of starving you will need to find a way to burn some extra calories. Conventional wisdom would have you look at a modest figure of cutting 1000 calories from your daily diet. This figure would equal 7000 calories per week.
At this rate you would lose up to 2 lbs of fat per week which falls on the high side of what conventional diets deliver. It is usually between 1.5 and 2 lbs per week which is where the average diet will get you.
About the Author
9lbs in 11 days! It is possible using unconventional food combinations that help you produce fat burning hormones naturally, and boost your metabolism. Find out more Click Here >
16 years ago