There isn't really a great secret with natural weight loss, just to eat properly (not too much) and of course get regular exercise; this guidance is lost on many! This should be an easy concept for the many overweight people around the world; with over a third of Americans, and millions in other countries who are gradually catching up, it obviously isn't that easy! Despite this, most of these overweight people want to be trim again although it is probably more for cosmetic reasons than those related to their health.
The truth is it is easier to maintain your weight than it is to lose excess pounds and the heavier you become the harder the weight loss becomes. Even though many people know this subconsciously very few actually plan to ensure that weight gain doesn't happen to them.
For some reason even when dieters who have become used to, and enjoy, a low calorie diet, they eventually drift back to old habits and start piling the pounds back on again. You can maintain your weight through natural weight loss methods and even if being at the center of unwanted attention doesn't convince you, surely your health should.
The truth is there is a huge price to pay with your health when you are overweight and in particular, clinically obese. The basics of eating correctly whilst maintaining a healthy weight is not all that complicated, in fact most people know pretty well what is best and that is losing weight naturally.
If you are planning to use a natural weight loss approach then its success will depend on the meals you eat which should be low in fat, high in fiber, some protein and carbohydrates. A meal containing this group would be something like a baked potato, vegetables and some meat, lean of course but it would not contain gravy or sour cream.
The problem is calories from dietary fat can be high and have a tendency to be retained by the body which is something that doesn't happen when excess calories are consumed with other foods. Manufacturers have realized that there is a huge market for low-fat or even fat-free products but the propensity and popularity of these foods are not lowering the average weight of the nation.
Whilst completely false, the perception is that you can basically eat exactly what you want provided it is fat-free but there are still calories in the food which can easily be converted to body fat. This is a trap that many people fall into and forget it's about eating from the correct food groups, and if you have to snack make it a small healthy one.
Health experts say it would be better to try eating every three to four hours, which may mean a nutritious low-fat snack between lunch and dinner. It's not always easy to lose weight, but if you take the time and focus on natural weight loss through sensible, controlled eating and exercise you will achieve lasting results.
About the Author
Rachel has successfully lose weight using calorie shifting diet and would like to share her success on it , please visit her blog here :
16 years ago