You really can eat all you want and still lose weight once you understand how your body uses calories and food. Most of the experts, books, and programs out there would have you believe that you have to cut back on the calories that you take in if you ever want to lose weight. Not to mention all the diet pills they want you to buy or the three hours a day they want you to spend exercising. This is not only necessary, but unreasonable, and I will tell you how to eat all you want and still lose weight.
The trick to being able to eat all you want and still lose weight is called calorie shifting. The trick to calorie shifting is in understanding how your body naturally works with food. They would have you believe that food is the enemy, but it's actually the key to losing weight. Food makes us fat, and it makes us thin, and by using the calorie shifting technique, you can lose as much weight as you want in only a few weeks at most.
Calorie shifting works on the understanding that our metabolism burns calories based on what our calorie intake is. If you take in 2000 calories, your body will use 2000 calories. If you suddenly start taking in only 1000 calories, your metabolism will adjust and start using only 1000 calories in just a few days. Calorie shifting does something your metabolism is not used to or even expecting in order to lose weight while you eat all you want.
First of all, let's discuss how our metabolism works. Your metabolism has no idea how many calories you will take in tomorrow, the next day, or even next week. Of course it doesn't because those days are not here yet. What it does know however is how much you took in today and the past few days, and it will act based on those amounts of calories.
The key to calorie shifting is learning how to change up the type and amounts of calories that you take in. This causes your metabolism to pick up and stay up because it never knows what is going on. This is how you can eat all you want and still lose weight.
By learning what foods to eat, based on what you love to eat, when to eat them, and how much of them to eat, you can start shifting your calories around causing your metabolism to go bezerk. This causes your metabolism to start burning fat from your body for fuel which means weight loss for you.
To get more information about calorie shifting and how you can use it to eat all you want and still lose weight, simply follow the links provided with this article. The only other thing you will have to do is get started. Nothing can be accomplished if you don't start, and right now is always the best time to start anything. Take action and change your life, and your body.
About the Author
Forget diet pills, plans, books, and programs. You want to lose weight and you want to do it as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible. Just Click Here! to learn how calorie shifting will help you lose as much weight as you want as quickly as you want!
16 years ago