The term cellulite used in front of a woman often results in a response along the lines of disgust and dismay, as the appearance can be unsightly; although it can be found anywhere, it is primarily in a persons lower half. This is not a situation purely confined to those who carry excess weight; the cottage cheese appearance so familiar with this condition can affect slim women as well.
Fat beneath the surface of the skin pushes against connective tissue causing it to give that dimpled look commonly known as cellulite. It may still be some time before medical science arrives at a definitive reason for why some people are more prone to this than others but it may have something to do with how toxins are held in the cells of some people.
What is certain though is that the older you become the greater the likelihood of this type of cell forming as the elastin and collagen, that help stop aging lines, becomes less effective. It is classified as a hormonal imbalance experienced by women and seldom appears on males as normally fat stored in the thighs and buttock is the same as fat stored all over the body so no difference is observed.
The presence of cellulite is not always prominent, unless one tries to pinch the upper skin of one's thigh; should it feel lumpy then you most certainly have it but a woman should not feel bad about having it, since most have this condition to a certain degree. Although it may not be known what causes, some factors seem to contribute to its build up including age, sex, extra fat carried and skin thickness all seem to aid the formation.
One thing for sure is that technology has not as yet devised a miracle potion or treatment that can eradicate it completely. Some clinics specialize in the removal of cellulite simply apply deep massaging to puff up the skin and temporarily reduce the cellulites appearance.
Other treatments involve liposuction Lipo Dissolve Cellulite and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into the affected areas) which is expensive and out of reach of the majority of women. Only temporary relief can be gained from both these procedures and liposuction despite its success at removing deep fat from large areas of the body, is not designed for the fats close to the surface as in the case of cellulite.
Whilst the creams that claim to burn the fat deposits away may not be very successful, the latest generation is designed to hide the condition although once again this is a short term answer. Many people believe that the only realistic way to reduce the amount of fatty tissue a person has is to follow a controlled diet plan and exercise regularly which will gradually burn off much of the body fat including that found in the tissues of the thighs and buttocks.
Many toxins that accumulate in the body can be flushed out with regular amounts of water which some believe is still an effective way to keep the body free of harmful substances including the toxins which help with the formation of cellulite.
About the Author
C.M. researches and writes about emerging natural yet scientifically proven remedies for today's health issues. Here's a Super-Fun Cellulite Treatment Program That Is Like Liposuction Without Surgery. To Find Out Exactly How To Transform Your Lumpy Flab Into "Stop-and-Stare" Gorgeous In Record Time, Click Here!
16 years ago