The word cellulite is not a favorite of many people, especially women. This nasty little problem for many women is downright annoying. Cellulite causes many image problems and for many women this is a reason to cover up on the beach, not to wear short skirts or shorts. Although we suffer from a lot of conditions because of modern living cellulite isn't one of those, as cases of cellulite have been recorded for some 150 years ago in Europe.
Cellulite is most common in the area of the buttocks, stomach, thighs, and legs. While most women carry their weight gain in these areas, you don't have to be overweight to have cellulite. Cellulite occurs when fat accumulates in a certain area and then bulges through the tissue that rests just underneath the surface of the skin.
Cellulite is just the body's natural way of storing fat in adult women. It is estimated that about 95% of all women have cellulite. It tends to develop in the subcutaneous fat layers. This layer of fat is unique in its structure compared to the other layers because its fatty parts are structured into particular chambers by strands of linked tissue around it.
There are many reasons for the appearance of cellulite , but the main one is: sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, caffeine, wrong posture, damaged veins, too fat food, unhealthy diet, smoking, stress, intimate apparel.
What Causes Cellulite?
Cellulite is caused by little overfilled fat cells which occur exactly under the skin. These cells have become enlarged causing them to take up more space between the skin's connective tissues than usual; the fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimpling in. These fat cells are generally located in the thighs and buttocks of women, although men can also suffer with these unsightly bumps.
Are There Ways To Reduce Cellulite?
Yeah, this is the one no one likes to hear, but it is extremely important. The more fat you have, the more noticeable the cellulite becomes and a sedentary lifestyle leads to a hardening of the connective tissue, causing a dimpling of the skin.
Exercise helps with reducing cellulite because it increases blood flow to the areas that are often affected with cellulite. It also helps with overall circulation and helps metabolizes fats so they don't settle on the body and it allows the body to detoxify.
Muscles take up more space in the skin, not allowing the fat to form into cellulite. Exercises for bum cellulite should be included as part of comprehensive exercises to eliminate cellulite, however, you cannot assume that a particular area of the body will improve overnight. If you combine exercise with a good anti cellulite cream you'll see positive results much quicker than if you relied on the cellulite cream alone.
Yeah, I know the other nasty word. if you're serious of reducing your cellulite you must also cut back on fat consumption and overall caloric intake in your diet as well as putting forth the effort to burn excess stored fat in those particular areas. Obviously having to do these things is harder to do than just applying creams, but the results will definitely be more noticeable over the long term.
As you've seen cellulite is a lot more common place than you might have imagined and with some many women suffering from it there are a lot of treatments, potions and creams popping up that promise to give you back sleek legs without any effort. But be warned most are only a waste of money and time and only give you temporary results that fade away after a few hours or days.
About the Author
Barry J McDonald is the author of "The Conquering Cellulite Guide", a free 41 page report that shows you the best and the worst treatments for cellulite. Drop by now for your copy while its still available.
16 years ago