Friday, September 5, 2008

Types of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide fuel for the body in form of glucose, which is sugar. There are two types of carbohydrates simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugars that found in candies, fruits and baked food goods and on the other hand, complex carbohydrates are those carbohydrates that are found in beans, nuts, vegetables and whole grains.

Amount of Carbohydrates in vegetables vary between individual pieces and depending on cooking method. As most vegetables are boiled they absorb more water so the carbohydrate content of each vegetable will lower compared to the same weight when raw. All values are calculated from raw vegetables and are also considered better as compared with cooked food.

Our liver digests carbohydrates by breaking them down to simple foods such as sugars and glucose. It stimulates the production of insulin in pancreas. The insulin functions to get the sugar into the body's call and used as energy. The two different types of carbohydrates affects the production of insulin differently when digesting simple carbohydrates the insulin levels spike faster and the carps are used up more quickly for energy. This explains why many who turn to a candy bar for a quick supply of energy find that their energy levels crash when the "sugar high" comes to an end. The Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest also resulting in longer lasting energy and less of an insulin reaction in the body.

When carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, it enters the bloodstream where it is made available to all cells of the body. When glucose levels rise, the body responds to the low carbohydrate diet by releasing a hormone called insulin into the blood.

Some researchers describe insulin as a "glucose doorman" that travels around the body opening cell doors so glucose can enter and do its job, which is maintaining proper blood-sugar levels. Without the help of insulin to open the cell doors, the glucose molecule is just too big to enter the various cells of the body. The Inadequate amounts of insulin causes improper metabolism of both glucose and fats, leading to decreases in energy production and, too often, diabetes.

Read about Mineral Cosmetics. Also read about Head Lice Treatment.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Lose Fat Fast With a Negative Calorie Food List

Rapid fat loss can be boosted with an important, not widely known, negative calorie food list. These fat-burning foods stimulate your metabolism and nudge your body into shedding excess fat as they shift it into a state that burns more calories than it absorbs from the food consumed. They naturally contain few calories and, when these foods are being processed by your body, they require more energy and use more calories than they supply. So the extra calories are taken from the body's store of fat.

Eating foods that supply calories beyond the body's immediate needs means that the surplus calories are converted to fat and stored for later use - resulting in a growing tummy, bulging thighs, expanding hips and more. After all, the fat has to be deposited somewhere!

However, diets which pay special attention to this process will design plans to reduce fat by taking advantage of the negative calorific value of many foods, resulting in a constant, consistent weight loss. For example, if a piece of celery, apple or cucumber contains 50 calories but 100 calories are consumed in digesting it, there is an inevitable weight loss. Preparing diet plans on this principle, and including many of the foods which create the effect, is the basis for negative calorie diets.

Moreover, it's not simply a matter of eating less to reduce the level of calorie intake as the body will then attempt to compensate by slowing metabolism and conserving the fat stores that it has - a survival mechanism that aids the body during those periods when food is not readily available. To reduce fat, it may be necessary to eat more - but of the right sort - of those foods on the negative calorie food list.


One such source is omega-3 fish oil. It is abundant in certain types of oily fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon. It can also be found in some plant sources, including flaxseed, which is especially rich in omega-3 oil. Other plant sources of omega-3 include wheat germ and spirulina, evening primrose oil, green leafy vegetables (such as cabbage), pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.

The following fruits and vegetables have negative calorie values:


Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beets, Asparagus, Fennel, Lettuce, Leek, Broccoli, Carrots, Marrow, Peppers, Celery, Turnips, Tomato, Cucumber, Chicory, Cress, Spinach, Aubergine, Radish, Garlic, Zucchini, and Gourd. (Note the absence of potato.)


Strawberry, Apricot, Apples, Mandarin, Watermelon, Peaches, Plums, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Lemon, Tangerine, Cantaloupe, Honeydew Melon, Damsons, Grapefruit, Clementines, Blackberry, Cranberries, Blueberries, Oranges, Pineapple, and Guava.

These foods also contribute to a negative calorie diet by offering many nutrients that facilitate good health.

Of course, the requirements for any given individual will depend on that person's normal metabolic rate. If the negative calorie diet is supplemented with a moderate amount of exercise, such as walking or cycling, this will do wonders for your heart, lungs and muscles as the pounds fall away and a newly trim body begins to emerge.

So choose a menu plan that includes protein along with meals and snacks from the negative calorie food list outlined here, enjoy exercise as often as possible - at least three times per week - and watch that wonderful new body shape appear.

Get details of a remarkably successful natural weight loss strategy that builds body tone and good health whilst burning unwanted fat at Fat Loss 4 Idiots. More information on this carefully designed and widely regarded program can also be found at:

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Slimming Patches - Do They Work?

For many years we have taken tablets and pills, now there are a number of Slimming Patches available. So how do Slimming Patches compare to Pills and why use a Diet Patch over a pill?

Most supplements are taken orally and dosage intervals may be inconvenient. Some natural supplements are partly destroyed or neutralized in the stomach, intestine or liver before reaching the bloodstream. Accordingly, a higher dose is needed to ensure efficacy, which in turn may increase the risk of side effects.

Doctors around the world are calling transdermal patches "the delivery system of the future" because It has been discovered that a high absorption rate of many supplements can be achieved when delivered through the skin. The reason for tis is when supplements are delivered transdermally, they are absorbed directly into the blood stream, initially bypassing the liver, stomach and intestine. The result can mean as much as 95% of the supplement getting to the cells where they are needed.

Conversely, studies have shown when some substances are taken orally, as little as 5% makes it to the cells where they are needed. This is because of the stomach, liver and digestive system excreting and discarding much of the substances taken orally. This information is from a study conducted by the University of Dublin.

It underlines the fact that a Slimming Patch may well be more effective than a Pill. Also it is much easier to fit in to a busy life style. It certainly seems that a proven slimming supplement like Hoodia Gordonii would be ideally delivered to the blood stream this way. Also there is the benefit of a regulated constant flow of the active ingredients.

There are many Slimming Patched on the market and to test and review them all individually would need a lot more space than is available here. The evidence says the the concept is good, as a delivery system patches are effective. So it really comes down to the ingredients. Hoodia Gordonii is widely accepted as the best and most proven appetite suppressant. Green Tea is also widely used to help with weight loss and boost mood and energy. There are other natural extract that lend themselves to the Slimming Patch system but a combination of the two mentioned here would be a powerful aid to your slimming activities.

On a less optimistic note there have been reports of people selling ordinary band aids and repacking them as Slimming patches, but with every high demand product someone will always find a scam. The best advice is to look for a company the offers other slimming and diet products. One that has real contact information and a money back guarantee. Some offer trial packs so you can test the product for a short period. Rather than buy 3 month supply and find it's not for you after only a few days. One other good point si to avoid anything that's not in the original packaging. I saw an online auction listing where the patches had been "hygienically repackaged" I couldn't help but wonder why?

About the Author:
Stephen Gomm is a director of Slim Health UK a specialist supplier of natural slimming and diet products.
Slim Health have a variety of Hoodia Gordonii and Cha' de Bugre Diet Products including Slimming Patches.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Three Cardiovascular Activities You Can Do For Weight Loss

For the majority of the population weight loss is not easy. Even with the advancement of science, when it comes to losing weight there are no "take a pill and watch your weight melt away" solutions. Contrary to popular belief, weight loss does not have to be difficult either. There are a lot of fun solutions you can implement to help with weight loss. Studies have shown that when someone enjoys the exercises they are doing they stick with it and invariable lose the weight.

Probably the most dreadful of all the weight loss activities are cardiovascular exercises. These are those exercises that really get the heart pumping and the body sweating. A good weight loss regimen includes 3 to 4 days of some type of cardiovascular exercise. Here we cover three of them so you can decide which one is right for you. More importantly, which one you will find fun and that you will stick with.

This is the most popular of all the cardio routines. You do not need to join a gym, buy fancy sneakers or workout clothes to do it and the best part it is free to walk your neighborhood. Slap on a pair of headphones to listen to your favorite music on your iPod and it will make it that more enjoyable. Keep a faster than strolling pace so you can get your heart rate up there. This gets the blood flowing and the lungs working.

This exercise really gets the heart pumping. The downside of this is you need to work your way up to jogging for extended lengths of time. Similar to walking you can jog in your neighborhood for free and listen to music. If you have a friend that can join you it makes it all that much better. A good way to stay motivated with jogging is to challenge yourself and increment the amount of time or distance in which you jog and see if you can beat yourself.

I love to ride a bike. I have an inexpensive "mountain bike" style bicycle that I ride everywhere. Depending on what kind of bike you want to own it can get fairly expensive. If you'd rather not leave the house, your local sporting goods store sells stationary bikes. Again depending on how many bells and whistles you want the price will reflect that. You can get stationary bikes that monitor your heart rate, tell you how many calories you have burned and so much more. The more expensive models will even allow you to program them to compete against the computer. Again, the more bells and whistles that you add, the higher the price will go.

On a final note, just as an added source of information, when you do cardiovascular activity, wear loose, breathable clothing. Stay away from wearing jeans. Give your body a chance to breathe and to sweat.

If you find yourself losing interest in your cardio routine then switch it up. Alternate between one of the three mentioned exercises above. This will keep things fresh, new and challenging.

About the Author:
Mike writes for Weightloss Nation. An online resource where you can learn tips and tricks on weight loss, fitness, exercise and nutrition.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Body Mass Index (BMI) - How Accurate?

Body mass index (BMI) or Quetelet Index is a widely-used statistical measure of a person's weight in proportion to height. It was invented over 100 years ago, and is frequently used in assessing the fitness level of individuals or populations. The BMI calculation renders a value called a BMI Index that is used to rate how close a subject is to the "ideal" weight.

For example, surveys that show the increasing levels of obesity in America are usually based on BMI index, as follows:

BMI > 30 = OBESE


BMI 18-25 = NORMAL


How does the calculation work?

BMI is calculated as 703 * (weight in pounds / height in inches squared).

So, for a person who is 5'10 and weighs 200 lbs, the BMI would be calculated as follows:

703 * (200 / 4900) = 28.7... This person would be considered OVERWEIGHT, nearly obese.

There are, however, problems with this formula. One of the problems is that there can be a substantial variance in what constitutes "ideal weight" from person to person. For example, the BMI calculation does not take into account persons with dense muscle mass. So, someone who does extensive strength training and has developed muscle mass may in fact have a BMI that indicates he or she is overweight even though the person may be very fit with low body fat.

In fact, we know several extremely fit people with BMIs in the high 20s, but whose body fat is approaching the level of professional athletes! Their body weight is relatively high in proportion to their height because they carry substantial muscular weight.

So, how useful is the BMI indicator?

The BMI index is not a one-size-fits-all wellness indicator. And like any other measure of fitness it needs to be used within context, along with other metrics such as blood pressure, cholesterol level, body fat percentage, and cardiovascular efficiency.

If your BMI is outside the "normal" range, it's a good idea to assess your other fitness metrics when determining whether you are at your ideal weight. But as with any other fitness metric, BMI can be misleading or even useless when evaluated in a vacuum.

Pete Bellisano is a certified personal trainer and owner of Peak Performance Fitness in Berkeley Heights NJ. Peak clients are achieving outstanding results losing weight and improving overall fitness, through our unique approach to Fitness For Real People. Visit our site to see what our clients have to say about their success, and to pick up your free fitness info.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Metabolism-3 Steps In The Right Direction

Is it really possible to speed up your metabolism? Yes, your body's metabolism is usually fairly stable but there are some things you can do to speed it up. Revving up your metabolism rate to burn more calories is one of the keys to weight loss success. Other things that contribute to speeding up your metabolism are working out, your meals, and your mood. This article will offer 3 things on what you can do to help speed up your metabolism.

1) Working out- Now this can be at a gym or at home. In Most cases this will be at a gym where you will have access to several weights training equipment to exercise the different parts of the body. Of course we all know that weight training is going to build muscle. But, as you are building your muscle up you are also speeding up the metabolism. The more energy you burn while exercising the more your metabolism works. One thing to be aware of though is you will notice that your appetite will increase. This is normal, because you are using more energy and what you will need to do is eat some healthy snacks throughout the day.

2) Meals- This is important, eating every 3-4 hours will help in keeping your metabolism going. Eating erratically signals the body to burn at a slower pace. If your not able to eat meals in this matter then you would be better off having smaller balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. The trick in losing more fat than muscle is to eat more balanced nutritional meals and exercise which promote an average of 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week.

3) Moods- Did you know what you eat influences mood and metabolism? Foods high in sugar, saturated fat, artificial sweeteners and low in water will slow down digestion and cause you to feel sluggish along with weight gain. If you want to have more energy eat foods that consist of whole grains, vegetables, fresh herbs, fruits. These provide proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that give you energy.

For longer lasting energy eat more of seeds, nuts, and soybeans. Foods that are better for digestion are white meat poultry, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and foods that contain fiber.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and you will have less gas, your stomach and intestines will empty better. Staying hydrated will also reduce headaches and fights fatigue.

You will also need to have a great deal of patients as it may take as long as 3 months before your metabolism will start changing. Just be persistent and have confidence that you will do it. Keep a regular routine of having easy meals and snacks available and spreading your calorie intake throughout the day as this will give you lasting energy levels for a longer period of time.

Want to learn more about metabolism and weight loss? Click here.

About the Author

Terry Wade has helped hundreds to reach their weight loss and fitness goals. Be sure to get a free copy of

Fat To Fitness ebook by going here,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Foods to Lose Weight Rapidly

With the obesity rate in America at an extremely high level, many people are looking into diets to help them lose weight. It is easy to choose, prepare, and eat lose weight rapidly foods, but the trouble comes when you have to stick with the diet. This article will go over the types of foods you should eat and how to make sure you stay on the diet.

The first thing you should do before you even look into a diet, is to get your mind set on a goal. You are going to need to be focused 100% on your end goal. You need to create a plan to reach that goal and be successful. You need to get your mind ready for the sacrifices you are going to need to make to get the results you want, before you even go after any food.

You are going to need to cut things out of your normal routine. Things like dinners out, visits to McDonald's and other restaurants, and going to the bar with your friends, are now going to be off limits if you want to lose weight rapidly.

If you are truly passionate about losing weight than you will find that your craving for lose weight rapidly foods will be much stronger than your craving for junk food. Most people will be shocked at how quickly they manage to get to their goals because they are able to stick with their diet.

To lose weight quickly you are going to need to eliminate fat, cut calories down by reducing your food intake and eating lower energy foods, and reduce foods that take awhile to burn. For even better results you should just consider removing all processed foods from your diet.

A great way to get a jumpstart on losing weight and save money is to go with the most natural and basic foods. They will help you get the best results, but this is an unpopular option because these foods do not taste the best.

The foods that you should be eating are fruits, vegetables, seafood, and lean meats. You should also eat slow-release forms of carbs like pasta, brown bread, potatoes, and brown rice.

The topic of lose weight rapidly foods is a very wide topic, with much information and many suggestions. This article should give you the basic idea so that you can get out there and begin to lose weight!

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his article writer website for 100% copyright articles and multiple article discounts on website and blog articles. Competitive pricing, testimonials, samples!

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Dieting - Natural Supplements

When people think of a 'diet' they think of reducing the intake of food into their bodies. This may be part of it, because as we know, obesity has risen to epidemic levels. But the word diet means a couple of , somewhat related, but different meanings.

It can mean the foods eaten by a group or culture. It's widely known that the Japanese culture traditionally eat a lot of rice and fish, raw and cooked. Also that North American's are some of the biggest consumers of red meat. True vegetarians of course, do not eat meat of any kind. A true vegetarian will not even eat eggs. These are just a couple of examples, there are many more of course.

Diet can also mean the foods that a person or group habitually eat. As we can tell in North America, fast food has become a raging debate. It can be addictive, the same as tobacco, narcotics and such, so there is a group that may be habitual about eating fast food. Fast food, and processed foods are the main causes for the obesity epidemic today.

This epidemic will get worse before it gets better because we must start at the root of the problem. Educating kids in eating a proper diet, in all 4 food groups. Not only that, we must now start to educate kids and adults in looking into to all the great natural supplements that can dramatically improve ones health and quality of life.

It's a proven fact that most people do not get enough nutrients in the foods that they eat, so it only makes sense to supplement what we are lacking with natural products. Because natural product supplements are considered food, they are not regulated by the same standards as pharmaceuticals, the FDA, you must be careful when choosing yours. There are many that claim to have the cure for a common cold and numerous home health remedies, so do your research!

Moderation in everything you do, including what you eat, and regular exercise are the keys to a healthier quality of life You don't have to give up fast food altogether, just eat it once or twice a month, instead of once or twice a week, or every day as some do. Remember, just because these natural supplement products can not claim to treat or cure any disease, most of the quality products have scientific proof that back them up.

Ron Richardson is an online entrepreneur and by my writing I hope to inspire, encourage, help and teach people to live a balanced life, health, wealth and happiness naturally: See what Jonathon Paplebon of the World Champion Boston Red Sox Said is a Key to His Success:

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Monday, July 7, 2008

The Cause and Effect of Obesity

The over simplified view of the cause and effect of obesity would be over-eating combined with lack of exercise. Both are justifiably implicated. We are all responsible for the volume of food we eat, and portion reduction is a starting point for any dietary change. It requires little more effort than saying no when offered the "large" or "max" option.

However, there are far more sinister reasons for nations getting fat. If it were just a case of over indulgence we would not be looking at the huge rise in the obesity levels within the US and many other societies.

So what's in your food?

Do you read...and understand the label?

Saturated fat, hydrogenated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat...are they good or bad?

These are questions you should know the answers to if you are going to take responsibility for your own welfare. Many countries have introduced food-labeling regulations, which now provide more detailed ingredients lists, but these are still often confusing and unclear.

Education is the answer to the problem. The big question is how do you educate an entire population and who is going to pay? Who would fund such a nationwide advertising campaign? Until governments take the initiative by introducing dietary advise as part of the school curriculum we are going to see the rates of obesity continue to increase year on year.

We can take it as read that over abundance and lack of clear education are the primary causes of obesity, for where abundance does not prevail, there is little sign of obesity. In fact where the western world is seeing increased food related morbidity, the third world continues to suffer deprivation and malnutrition.

Obesity is not a hidden problem, but society fails to tackle it head on. Fashion shops for the larger person continue to flourish and fashions change to accommodate the fuller figure. Unfortunately size is not the only issue, as obesity gives rise to or even masks many other health related illnesses such as:

· Heart disease and high blood pressure
· Diabetes type 2 (adult onset)
· Renal failure
· Colon Cancer
· Strokes

The above list and many other physical and physiological problems are clearly related to obesity.

The starting point for beating your own and your family's weight problems is to accept that the problem exists. If you decide to bury your head in the sand and fail to take decisive action, no one can help you. If you are ready to seek the help and advice, read and act upon what you have read.

Seeking out a nutritionist is a great route to take. They can offer clear advice on the lifestyle changes you need to make to get back on track and fight the cause and effect of obesity

Article Source:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bulimia - Recognize and Treat Today

Bulimia is a type of a psychological disorder characterized by a person's erroneous eating patterns. It is also referred to as bulimia nervosa, which is a common problem among teens and women, although several males may develop it too. A person who is suffering from this disorder tend to eat too much during meal times but go to extreme heights to remove the same food he or she had taken. The bulimic may induce vomiting or use strong diuretics or laxatives in the process. They may suddenly decide to fast or skip meals altogether, or counter what they have eaten with too much rigorous exercise.

Signs and Symptoms

Aside from eating uncontrollably, the signs of bulimia include vomiting blood, purging, depression, mood swings, and feeling out of control. Persons who have it may also experience heartburn, bloating, indigestion, constipation, irregular periods, dental problems, sore throats, weakness, and exhaustion. Bulimic patients normally have bloodshot eyes.


Bulimia is caused by different factors but most of them are psychological in nature. It maybe caused by stress, depression, and self-esteem problems. Bulimia may also arise out of one's dissatisfaction of his or her body size. These people either have the fear of becoming fat or they can only see themselves to be fat no matter how much weight they have already lost.


Bulimia is a very dangerous concern so it has to be treated the moment it is diagnosed. Psychiatrists play a very important role in correcting the behavior and eating patterns of these individuals. The minor complications of bulimia include dental problems, soreness of the salivary glands, and decrease in libido. The major complications of this disease are stomach ulcers and ruptures, intestinal fluids, irregular bowel movement, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and irregular heartbeat. In more severe cases, heart attack may occur. People suffering from bulimia tend to have a suicidal nature, as they are always depressed and frustrated with the things around them.


The treatment of bulimia is conducted by a psychiatrist specializing in the disorder. If physical changes in the body are apparent, the patient is advised to go to a medical doctor first for physical evaluation so that the necessary drugs can be given. After which, a series of consultations with a psychiatrist is in order, so that he can assess the severity of the problem and proceed to the right behavioral therapy to correct it.

Treating bulimia is a process completed gradually in a long period of time. Regardless of any kind of treatment to be administered, the cooperation of the patient is essential in the process. There should be the drive on the person for him or her to get away from it. With the medical and psychological expertise of the doctor, treating bulimia yields positive results.

Jack L Bloom is the owner of For more information about diet for bulimia visit

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Water Can Help in Loss of Weight - How it Works

Water is important in keeping you healthy. Some people claim that water have a positive effect on weight loss. We will cover topics such as the working of water in weight management, the suppressing of hunger with water, the effect of caffeine on water, and the correct amount of water needed for losing weight. When you finish reading this article, you will begin to implement the drinking water into your daily diet.

Weight loss relies on your metabolism. The liver is in charge of this process. Lack of water lead to the malfunction of the kidneys. The liver will have to come in and help out. This will disrupt the conversion of stored fat to energy. As the results, you end up with more fat.

Moreover, water has a positive effect on your fat burning rate. By promoting thermogenic state, your metabolic rate escalates. The more fat you use up, the more weight you lose.

Water contains no calorie. By drinking more water, it reduces the the calorie content of your diet. Hence, you can control weight gain this way.

In Germany, scientists found that water can escalates fat burning rate. But, the effect is insignificant. The scientists believed that their studies may expose the associations of water and weight loss programs.

They estimate that you can use up 17.400 calories which is equivalent to 5 pounds a year if you drink an excess of 1.5 liters of water every day. This escalates fat burning is because of the body trying to heat the ingested water.

Some believe they can control their hunger by drinking water before meals. This is not true. When you are hungry, it means your blood sugar is low. Water cannot help in this case. Allowing the further drop of blood sugar can prompt you to eat junk which has a negative effect in weight loss. In addition, drinking water with the hope of curbing hunger is short term because you will cultivate bad eating habits which help you to put on more pounds.

Some weight loss pills contain caffeine. It is believed that it can increase fat burning in your body. However, caffeine is a diuretic which eliminate water from the body. As your heart rate escalates, fat burning also increases but the water that is required by the muscles is not sufficient for proper function. If you performing any workout, then you would not benefit from it. You already work your heart very hard during exercise. It is not wise to combine caffeine and exercise.

So, how much water should you drink? According to general health guidelines, you should drink at eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. However, you need to drink more if you want to lose weight. For weight loss, you need to consume an extra eight ounces for every 25 pounds of extra weight you have. In fact, you may need drink even more if you are living in a hot climate or exercise intensively.

It is undeniable that, water can help you to lose weight. As long as your diet can give you enough water, then you can maintain a healthy weight. Prevention of dehydration by drinking water throughout the day can make a big difference in effective weight management.

Good weight loss programs normally recommend drinking plenty of water. A good fitness program and a good eating habit is vital in ensuring good health and supporting an ideal weight. Yet, if you are still having difficulties with obesity or weight gain after all your attempts, then you need help. Diet pills such as Dietrine when combined with nutritious meal and effective exercise regime can help you to lose weight with results. Find out more about it today in Dietrine Reviews and see how it can help you to achieve your goals in weight loss. Visit

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Get Rid of Your Belly Fat

For many of us as we come out of our teens years and enter into adult hood we realize that certain things tend start to take on a jiggling effect. This is usually the most evident in the belly area. You notice that you have this little layer of belly fat that starts to grow over the years. But how do you get rid of that belly fat and take your body back to the look of younger years? Here are a few tips to help you get rid of your belly fat.

Tip #1: Burn calories through cardio exercise
The key to losing fat whether it be on your belly or in other areas of your body is to burn more calories than you are taking into your body. In order to do this you need to get up and get moving. Try taking a walk, riding your bike or even jogging. Getting active is what will help you to get rid of that annoying belly fat.

Tip #2: Eat Healthy
It might not always be easy to eat healthy, which is why so many people opt for the low nutrition of a fast food meal over cooking a healthy, high in nutrition meal at home. Learn to look at what you eat as not just something to satisfy your hunger but more as how it will give your high performance machine, your body, fuel to get through the day.

Tip #3: Strengthen your core
By doing more exercises than just those focused on your abs will help you to get rid of the belly fat. Concentrate on your core muscles and also on your legs and arms to help tone your entire body.

Stop trying to loose weight the hard way. To discover how to loose weight and get lean the easy way, click here: Get Lean and Lose Weight

Article Source:

Monday, June 16, 2008

How Subliminal Messages help you to Lose Weight

Ever found yourself looking at the weighing scales and wishing you could lose weight? And yet, you scoff at diet pills and weight loss programs that have not worked for you. This is your conscious mind at work. Your conscious mind tells you that it is not possible to lose those pounds, and that subliminal CDs to lose weight are a hoax. However, this is not true!

All your previous weight loss attempts have failed because your conscious mind has already decided that they will fail. Hence, subliminal CDs provide you with the key to losing weight, by bypassing the conscious mind that forms judgments and negative thoughts. The subconscious mind is uncritical, and accepts the opinions and ideas that you embed into it, helping to dispel these negative thoughts. With the help of subliminal CDs to inject positive affirmations into your subconscious mind, you will be able to lose weight now.

That is not to say that just by listening to a subliminal CD over and over you will lose weight! The magic behind subliminal CDs goes beyond that. The message that the CD sends out to your subconscious consists of a few different but simple principles which you will find yourself practicing slowly as you listen to the CD as per the instructions on the packaging. This is how it works.

1) Confidence

The subliminal CDs will give you the confidence in yourself to lose weight. By going straight to your subconscious, you are able to eliminate the root of the weight loss problem: your conscious mind. The conscious mind tells you that it is impossible and that you will never lose weight, and hence you never lose those pounds.

2) Eat Right, Exercise More

The subliminal CD will encourage you to exercise more, and eat right. You will find yourself more motivated to visit the gym, instead of merely thinking about it. In other words, the subliminal CD contains positive messages that help you transform your ideas into actions. You will feel your subconscious telling you to get busy and cut down on snacking, and to eat right. All these are knowledge that you already have, but just never put into practice!

3) Drink Water

It is important to drink a lot of water when you’re trying to lose weight. Water acts as a natural cleansing and detox routine, as it flushes out the toxics, fats and calories in your body. This is also a part of the magic of the subliminal CD, which encourages you to drink a healthy amount of water everyday.

Before you know it, you will find yourself avoiding snacks and unhealthy food as your body adjusts to take in only the amount of food that is necessary. This is not magic, it is simply the power of your subconscious mind being harnessed to overcome the negative thoughts that your conscious mind produces!

About The Author
Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field of subliminal technology and the director of which specializes providing a whole range of subliminal cds for self improvement . Grab your free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Weight Loss: How to Maintain Your Success

Weight Loss: How to Maintain Your Success

Losing weight can be a challenging task, and when you have achieved your weight loss goal, how do you maintain your success and keep those extra pounds off for good? Here are some good suggestions:-

Eating Habits

The first thing you can do is to make sure that you maintain the diet lifestyle that you used previously to lose all that weight. Obviously in order to gain considerable success in your weight loss program, you have made certain changes in your food intake and eating habits. Now is the time to permanently inculcate those habits into your lifestyle. If you get back to your old eating habits, you will definitely pack on the extra pounds again, and this time, due to the metabolic and chemical changes that occurred in your body during the initial dieting, is will be harder to lose them the second time around.

Correct Mindset

You need to condition your thinking patterns into believing that you will keep that weight off after a successful weight loss goal has been achieved. Those thoughts will assist you in develop healthy eating habits that will help you maintain a trim and healthy body. Self affirmation; visualizations and meditation can help you to get into the right frame of mind to achieve this end. By developing the right mindset, you can keep yourself from reaching out to grab the next mouthful of your favorite custard pudding at the next family get -together!


This is a crucial step in any weight loss program. Without proper exercise, you can never achieve long term success in your efforts to lose weight. Select the right exercise that you can enjoy, have loads of fun doing it and gives you a great workout at the same time. There are plenty of exercises you can select from but do talk to your physician before embarking on any rigorous physical activity.

Support Group

Sometimes what you need is that extra dose of motivation to keep you going on your weight loss program. A public proclamation isn't always necessary, but putting your integrity and your pride at stake by sharing your weight loss goals with a few of your close friends or family members can go a long way to keep you focused on those weight loss program. Remember to choose wisely, and do not share them with those who have a negative attitude and who will most likely dampen your enthusiasm to lose weight.

Losing weight can be an exhilarating process, if you know the right way to do it and have fun in the process. Remember, you will always gravitate towards things that brings you pleasure, and if you want to make your success in weight loss permanent, make the process fun and rewarding by take the necessary step to inculcate these four tips we share into your lifestyle.

About the Author

An actor and Producer in the entertainment industry, Erin Michael, was introduced to the Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing Program by Pat "Bubba" Brittain during an employee health fair in Las Vegas, Nevada. At 5'4" tall and 193 lbs, Erin shed 50 lbs in 5 months after making Isagenix a part of his health goals. For more information and how to take advantage of this wonderful, all natural health and cleansing system, visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Best Diet Plan with Low Cholesterol

Your body is a result of what you eat; hence, it is always emphasized on the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet. The food stuffs are made of essential nutrients responsible for the functioning of human body. Along with them, certain other substances like cholesterol are present which might have a detrimental effect on the body.

Cholesterol is a major factor for all modern day diseases especially cardiac disorders. If an individual has an advanced and elevated cholesterol level, he will be more susceptible to heart complications. A higher concentration of cholesterol in the blood sugar also threatens a danger of heart attack. So, it is constantly advertised to lower down the cholesterol and fat content in your diet which can significantly reduce the danger.

There are certain medications available in the markets which help to lessen the effects of cholesterol and decrease the intensity. Still, your diet is the most important aspect. According to research, a strict vegetarian food pattern drops the cholesterol level by almost one-third in a month. Fruits and vegetables have no fat content and are low cholesterol foods whereas consumption of meats and non-vegetarian foods increase the blood cholesterol.

A substantial portion of vegetables like broccoli and red peppers will be the best medication for a high cholesterol level. In addition, a plethora of fruits and nuts along with food items like soy milk, soy sausages, oat bran cereals and bread constitute a healthy, low cholesterol diet. These food products are good in taste and also nutritious. Fruits are rich fiber sources and have multiple functions in the body.

Fats are one of the major food groups and consist of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Nutritionists suggest that if you are on a low cholesterol diet, your aim should be to reduce the ingestion of hydrogenated fats by 7%. Also, you would need to cut down oil and other fatty substances by 25-35%. For the best results, consume the unrefined and crude form which would be greatly effective compared to the pure and processed forms. Fish and fish oil are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which leads to a glowing skin along with lowering cholesterol levels. Sodium intake in the form of salt should be narrowed down to 2400mg daily in a well planned diet.

Plan all the major meals of your day in advance to induce a low cholesterol diet. Your breakfast should comprise of oatmeal bread, fruits minced into small bits, soy milk, vegetable margarine and jam. The breakfast should be sufficient in quantity as it fulfills the major calorie requirement throughout the day. Your lunch should be light with a variety of choices like a fruit or a dessert and oat bran bread. A low cholesterol dinner is ideal with fruits, almonds, tofu and stir-fry vegetables. It is astonishing but if one religiously follows a healthy food habit consistently for a prolonged period, there can be significant decrease in the cholesterol level which can be around 29% in a single month.

About the Author

Catherine Tyler is the professional freelance writer and also the webmaster of . Learn and enjoy the basics of Low calorie recipes for weight loss including free weight loss recipe and healthy tips.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How To Eat To Lose Weight: 6 Tips to Slash

This is how to eat to lose weight:

1. Plan to shop well - Set aside one day each week to prepare your healthy meals for the week. And shop for the healthy foods you need to cook with - like vegetables, fruits, wholemeal and organic products. The more natural the food is, the better it is for you. By preparing your own meals (grilling or steaming the food) in advance, you will reduce the risk of ordering take aways.

2. Eat in controlled portions - it may be difficult at first, but with patience, your eating habits will change for the better. Plan to have 6 healthy mini meals a day to reduce the chance of cravings.

3. A healthy weight loss diet means eating sensibly and losing no more than 1 or 2 pounds at the most every week over a period of time. Counting the calories that you eat throughout the day and the types of food you eat will help you lose the weight and keep the weight off. So start a food journal, and have small long goals for long term gains!

4. If you can't avoid it - Go Low-Cal with Fast Food. Sometimes you're in a rush and simply have to stop by the fast food place for a bite to eat. But instead of choosing the old burgers and fries - why not eat healthy, and order a salad, or grilled chicken sandwich, a healthy sub, fruit, yogurt, etc. Eating a healthier lunch will make you feel energized instead of sluggish.

5. Fiber fitness - because men eat less salad than women they are more likely to suffer constipation. Simple remedies are adding bran to your breakfast cereal, drinking more water, bulking up those lunch time with wholemeal sandwiches that includes salad and ensuring you include a range of veggies on your dinner plate. apart from cutting your bathroom time, fiber is filling and lessens the cravings. Reduce the cravings, you will reduce the belly fat.

6. Follow this fiber rule - get 2 servings of fruits and a minimum of 5 servings of veggies daily. Not only these food produce have great fiber and nutritional value - it has the healthy carbs!

About the Author

For More Tips on How To Eat To Lose Weight, Visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots For a Free eBook on "Training And Nutrition: Insider Tips For a Lean Body" And Discover How to Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days With Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weight Reduction - Words You Must Forget To Succeed

There are literally hundreds of weight loss programs available today that will successfully allow a person to reduce their weight. Most dieters try several of these programs over the years and often have amazing results in the short term. The problem is that while they are able to temporarily lower their weight, most weight loss programs fail to address the REAL reason why people can't manage their weight. Before you decide to start any diet program, there are some things you need to do to guarantee success.

The main reason it is so difficult to consistently lose weight and keep it off is not what is on their plate, but what is in their heads. For a variety of reasons, people develop poor eating habits, poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles that prevent them from losing weight. Whatever these reasons may be, the fact is that until they retrain themselves mentally, these habits and methodologies will continue to hinder them in any weight reduction plans.

A good first step to retraining yourself to reduce your weight is to change your thought processes. A common change recommended by most weight reduction specialists is to first change the words you use. Words like diet, weight loss, try, etc are counter-productive to reducing weight.

Here is why.

Weight loss - This term indicates the LOSS of weight, but the problem with this term is the unconscious relationship between losing things and find them again. As long as you think about losing weight, you also keep in mind an unconscious need to find it again.

Try -This has got to be one of the most evil words in the English language. To the unconscious mind the concept of trying includes with it an implied expectation of failure. When we say we are going to try something, we normally implicitly state that we don't expect any great success at it.

Diet - This is a bad concept to hold on to because diets are seen as events with a definite beginning and an end. When you refer to your eating strategies as a diet you invariably mean that you will at some point NOT be on the diet any more.

Any words to do with programs, plans or system - While it is ok to follow various weight reduction protocols, as long as you think of yourself as being on a program you open yourself up to the thinking that one day you will stop following it.

The important thing to do when approaching any weight loss protocol is to focus on making a life-style change. If your goal is to reduce your weight to a certain number of pounds then visualize yourself at that size and imagine how wonderful it will feel to reach that goal. Focus on the desire to reach that goal and you will find your body and mind working with you to bring it into reality.

About the Author

Robert Taylor is a certified hypnotherapist, a database/web page designer and an author. Check out some interesting resources below to help with any weight reduction goals you have. - An effective weight loss protocal for rapid weight reduction. - A number of highly effective hypnosis based weight reduction products.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ladies, Is Cellulite Leaving You Afraid To Show Off Your Legs?

The word cellulite is not a favorite of many people, especially women. This nasty little problem for many women is downright annoying. Cellulite causes many image problems and for many women this is a reason to cover up on the beach, not to wear short skirts or shorts. Although we suffer from a lot of conditions because of modern living cellulite isn't one of those, as cases of cellulite have been recorded for some 150 years ago in Europe.

Cellulite is most common in the area of the buttocks, stomach, thighs, and legs. While most women carry their weight gain in these areas, you don't have to be overweight to have cellulite. Cellulite occurs when fat accumulates in a certain area and then bulges through the tissue that rests just underneath the surface of the skin.

Cellulite is just the body's natural way of storing fat in adult women. It is estimated that about 95% of all women have cellulite. It tends to develop in the subcutaneous fat layers. This layer of fat is unique in its structure compared to the other layers because its fatty parts are structured into particular chambers by strands of linked tissue around it.

There are many reasons for the appearance of cellulite , but the main one is: sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, caffeine, wrong posture, damaged veins, too fat food, unhealthy diet, smoking, stress, intimate apparel.

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is caused by little overfilled fat cells which occur exactly under the skin. These cells have become enlarged causing them to take up more space between the skin's connective tissues than usual; the fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimpling in. These fat cells are generally located in the thighs and buttocks of women, although men can also suffer with these unsightly bumps.

Are There Ways To Reduce Cellulite?


Yeah, this is the one no one likes to hear, but it is extremely important. The more fat you have, the more noticeable the cellulite becomes and a sedentary lifestyle leads to a hardening of the connective tissue, causing a dimpling of the skin.

Exercise helps with reducing cellulite because it increases blood flow to the areas that are often affected with cellulite. It also helps with overall circulation and helps metabolizes fats so they don't settle on the body and it allows the body to detoxify.

Muscles take up more space in the skin, not allowing the fat to form into cellulite. Exercises for bum cellulite should be included as part of comprehensive exercises to eliminate cellulite, however, you cannot assume that a particular area of the body will improve overnight. If you combine exercise with a good anti cellulite cream you'll see positive results much quicker than if you relied on the cellulite cream alone.


Yeah, I know the other nasty word. if you're serious of reducing your cellulite you must also cut back on fat consumption and overall caloric intake in your diet as well as putting forth the effort to burn excess stored fat in those particular areas. Obviously having to do these things is harder to do than just applying creams, but the results will definitely be more noticeable over the long term.


As you've seen cellulite is a lot more common place than you might have imagined and with some many women suffering from it there are a lot of treatments, potions and creams popping up that promise to give you back sleek legs without any effort. But be warned most are only a waste of money and time and only give you temporary results that fade away after a few hours or days.

About the Author

Barry J McDonald is the author of "The Conquering Cellulite Guide", a free 41 page report that shows you the best and the worst treatments for cellulite. Drop by now for your copy while its still available.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Body Fat Loss - How Much In A Week

You want results and you want them fast... so how much fat can you really expect to lose? Let's find out.

Did you know that there are 3500 calories stored in each pound of fat? That means that if you want to lose one pound of fat you must find a way to burn up 3500 extra calories.

When you look at it this way you can see why it is so hard to shed the pounds right? After all, the average american consumes over 2500 calories a day. So even skipping one day of eating will not shed a single pound of fat.

Needless to say we all know that not eating is NOT the right thing to do correct? Because when we starve ourselves, the body just shuts things down, like your fat burning metabolism. And worst off your body will start stealing nutrients from your muscles - which incase you didn't know is the only thing in your body that actually burns calories. So you need to keep muscle and you need to keep your metabolism up.

That said, by using a conventional diet what can you expect to lose?

Well instead of starving you will need to find a way to burn some extra calories. Conventional wisdom would have you look at a modest figure of cutting 1000 calories from your daily diet. This figure would equal 7000 calories per week.

At this rate you would lose up to 2 lbs of fat per week which falls on the high side of what conventional diets deliver. It is usually between 1.5 and 2 lbs per week which is where the average diet will get you.

About the Author

9lbs in 11 days! It is possible using unconventional food combinations that help you produce fat burning hormones naturally, and boost your metabolism. Find out more Click Here >

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lipo Dissolve Cellulite

The term cellulite used in front of a woman often results in a response along the lines of disgust and dismay, as the appearance can be unsightly; although it can be found anywhere, it is primarily in a persons lower half. This is not a situation purely confined to those who carry excess weight; the cottage cheese appearance so familiar with this condition can affect slim women as well.

Fat beneath the surface of the skin pushes against connective tissue causing it to give that dimpled look commonly known as cellulite. It may still be some time before medical science arrives at a definitive reason for why some people are more prone to this than others but it may have something to do with how toxins are held in the cells of some people.

What is certain though is that the older you become the greater the likelihood of this type of cell forming as the elastin and collagen, that help stop aging lines, becomes less effective. It is classified as a hormonal imbalance experienced by women and seldom appears on males as normally fat stored in the thighs and buttock is the same as fat stored all over the body so no difference is observed.

The presence of cellulite is not always prominent, unless one tries to pinch the upper skin of one's thigh; should it feel lumpy then you most certainly have it but a woman should not feel bad about having it, since most have this condition to a certain degree. Although it may not be known what causes, some factors seem to contribute to its build up including age, sex, extra fat carried and skin thickness all seem to aid the formation.

One thing for sure is that technology has not as yet devised a miracle potion or treatment that can eradicate it completely. Some clinics specialize in the removal of cellulite simply apply deep massaging to puff up the skin and temporarily reduce the cellulites appearance.

Other treatments involve liposuction Lipo Dissolve Cellulite and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into the affected areas) which is expensive and out of reach of the majority of women. Only temporary relief can be gained from both these procedures and liposuction despite its success at removing deep fat from large areas of the body, is not designed for the fats close to the surface as in the case of cellulite.

Whilst the creams that claim to burn the fat deposits away may not be very successful, the latest generation is designed to hide the condition although once again this is a short term answer. Many people believe that the only realistic way to reduce the amount of fatty tissue a person has is to follow a controlled diet plan and exercise regularly which will gradually burn off much of the body fat including that found in the tissues of the thighs and buttocks.

Many toxins that accumulate in the body can be flushed out with regular amounts of water which some believe is still an effective way to keep the body free of harmful substances including the toxins which help with the formation of cellulite.

About the Author

C.M. researches and writes about emerging natural yet scientifically proven remedies for today's health issues. Here's a Super-Fun Cellulite Treatment Program That Is Like Liposuction Without Surgery. To Find Out Exactly How To Transform Your Lumpy Flab Into "Stop-and-Stare" Gorgeous In Record Time, Click Here!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

If you're working on a weight loss plan, one of the most difficult times of year can be the holidays. Around Christmas and New Years, the parties and meals you'll attend will include foods that are high in fat and calories and low in nutrition. Fortunately, by following these five tips you can stick to your weight loss plan even as visions of sugarplums dance in your head.

First, avoid the alcohol. Cocktails and beer are usually served at holiday parties, but they can be full of calories. When you drink, you also have a decreased will power when it comes to saying no to other holiday foods and your appetite will be stimulate, so you'll eat even more than you normally would eat at a party. Having one drink on a special occasion may be fine, but don't overdo it every time you head out to celebrate the season.

Another great tip to stick to your plan during the holiday season is to show up fashionably late after you've already eaten a meal. If you do this, you won't feel pressured to eat an entire meal of junk foods or snack on cookie or hot chocolate. Of course, showing up late may be insulting at smaller parties, so make sure you are not rude to the party host.

Use the holidays to get outside as well. You can play in the snow if the weather allows, which actually burns tons of calories. Walking up the hill to sled and having a snowball fight are great ways to get your heart pumping as well as work off those candy canes.

If the weather isn't cold or snowy, use your time to head to the mall. When gift shopping, make a number of laps around the mall and take the stairs instead of the escalator. Keep this in mind at parties as well--get up and move around as much as possible. Christmas caroling is also a great way to stay off of your rear. This will allow you to do some walking while spreading the holiday cheer.

Lastly, avoid gifts of food. Of course, you can't tell people what to buy for you, but if you find yourself with a bunch of brownies or boxes or chocolates, why not share the love? You can take these products into work or even donate unopened items to your local food bank. These tips keep you staying slim, every as you're surrounded by goodies.

About the Author

Rob is a writer from San Diego. Learn how to get your own turnkey Health Business right here. Rob's other sites: AgilitEase, Shop.AgilitEase, Google Magic Formula Review

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Eat All You Want And Still Lose Weight

You really can eat all you want and still lose weight once you understand how your body uses calories and food. Most of the experts, books, and programs out there would have you believe that you have to cut back on the calories that you take in if you ever want to lose weight. Not to mention all the diet pills they want you to buy or the three hours a day they want you to spend exercising. This is not only necessary, but unreasonable, and I will tell you how to eat all you want and still lose weight.

The trick to being able to eat all you want and still lose weight is called calorie shifting. The trick to calorie shifting is in understanding how your body naturally works with food. They would have you believe that food is the enemy, but it's actually the key to losing weight. Food makes us fat, and it makes us thin, and by using the calorie shifting technique, you can lose as much weight as you want in only a few weeks at most.

Calorie shifting works on the understanding that our metabolism burns calories based on what our calorie intake is. If you take in 2000 calories, your body will use 2000 calories. If you suddenly start taking in only 1000 calories, your metabolism will adjust and start using only 1000 calories in just a few days. Calorie shifting does something your metabolism is not used to or even expecting in order to lose weight while you eat all you want.

First of all, let's discuss how our metabolism works. Your metabolism has no idea how many calories you will take in tomorrow, the next day, or even next week. Of course it doesn't because those days are not here yet. What it does know however is how much you took in today and the past few days, and it will act based on those amounts of calories.

The key to calorie shifting is learning how to change up the type and amounts of calories that you take in. This causes your metabolism to pick up and stay up because it never knows what is going on. This is how you can eat all you want and still lose weight.

By learning what foods to eat, based on what you love to eat, when to eat them, and how much of them to eat, you can start shifting your calories around causing your metabolism to go bezerk. This causes your metabolism to start burning fat from your body for fuel which means weight loss for you.

To get more information about calorie shifting and how you can use it to eat all you want and still lose weight, simply follow the links provided with this article. The only other thing you will have to do is get started. Nothing can be accomplished if you don't start, and right now is always the best time to start anything. Take action and change your life, and your body.

About the Author

Forget diet pills, plans, books, and programs. You want to lose weight and you want to do it as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible. Just Click Here! to learn how calorie shifting will help you lose as much weight as you want as quickly as you want!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Seven Mistakes To Avoid When Losing Excess Pounds

A lot of people plan to lose weight but end up gaining pounds instead. The reason behind this is that many are not really emotionally, physically and mentally prepared for the challenge. Although having the desire to get rid of flab is a good start, there are still a lot of considerations before one can successfully stay on the road to weight loss.

Here are the seven common weight loss mistakes that people make. Learn them so that you can avoid them as you go along your own weight loss program.

No Plan Of Action

Many people often fail to succeed with their diet because they do not have a plan. By merely saying to yourself that you want to lose weight won't help because you will be at a loss on what do. If you want to get rid of your flab permanently, you ought to have an objective.

How much weight do you want to lose? You must have a plan of action. What types of diet are you going to employ? You should also know what type of physical activities you are going to add to your schedule. If you do not have a plan, there is a big possibility that you are going to fail.

Skipping Breakfast

At first, skipping breakfast will let you lose a couple of pounds. However, if you skip this very important meal everyday, you will end up eating more at the end of each day. Just make sure that your breakfast is healthy and not full of fatty and processed foods, such as bacon or sausages. Stick to oats, whole wheat bread, fruit and even eggs.


Many people have a tendency to put off losing weight for another day. The problem is, tomorrow becomes next week and next week becomes next month and next month becomes next year. In the end, you have gained instead of lost a lot of pounds because you perpetually delay the start of your dieting.

Eating Fast Foods Regularly

If you want to lose weight, you should stay away from fast foods. More often than not, the foods offered in fast food joints are full of fats, sugar, and other unhealthy stuff. If you are really serious about shedding some pounds and losing that fat belly, you have to allot money and time in preparing your own food or dining in restaurants that are a lot friendlier to your health and body figure.

Starving Oneself

Do not equate dieting with starving. You have to understand that you can be on a diet without having to starve yourself to death. Furthermore, your metabolism will slow down and your body will try to compensate for the lack of food so you won't really lose that much if you starve yourself. In a few days' time, you will just go into food binging. What you need to do is to be pickier when it comes to food. Stay away from sweets and high-calorie meals.

Thinking Negatively

If you do not believe that you can lose 100 pounds in a year or so, then you will really not be able to achieve that goal. Negative thinking or simply not believing in yourself will prevent you from losing weight. So if you truly want to be slimmer and fitter, start believing that you can do it and that you have the discipline to reach your goals.

Not Drinking Water

A lot of women, especially those who are in their menopausal stage, do not want to drink plenty of water for fear of fluid retention. In reality, not drinking ample water can actually cause water retention. So you have to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday to prevent the feeling of swollenness.

If you feel bloated and swollen even after you consumed the right amounts of water, then your water retention might be due to hormonal changes in your body. If this is the case, taking supplements, such as Expelis, can help you lose weight and reverse water retention naturally. To know more on how Expelis can help you, visit

About the Author

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Truth Behind Weight Loss

It seems that the number one resolution each and every year is to lose weight. However, nearly about 90% of the persons who make these resolutions either end up failing or having little success in the process. Sadly, while the goal is to lose the weight, some result in weight gain rather than losing weight. There are many factors that cause these phenomena and we will look at healthy weight loss strategies as to why some people seem to struggles so much to lose weight. When we have a clear understanding how easy it is to lose weight then it will be become less of a chore and more of something that you enjoy Many overweight persons see the task of losing weight as a very daunting task and shy away from it, all the while getting more and more overweight. You must understand that if you do not do something about your weight today, everyday that you chose to ignore it, it will be one more day of adding extra pounds. The sooner you can start is usually the best way to eliminate your fat loss forever. Approach the weight loss regiment as one that you will win and it will not win you. Decide to start to lose weight but just don’t go cold turkey and start. Start slow, if you are eating burger and fries three times per week try eating it twice per week. The process will be slow but gradual and soon you will realize how much of a leap you have made in the war of losing fat. Fat loss is not hard if you decide to start small and stick to it. Break it up into chunks and manageable sizes and attack it in that manner. For example if you want to lose 50 pounds, do not tell yourself that you need to lose 50 pounds but rather tell yourself that you would like to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks. Then when you have accomplished that 5 pounds, attack another 5 pounds. This will give you momentum and make you feel great about yourself. Here are some healthy weight loss secrets to make you burn the fat.

Reduce you stress level

If you are stressed about being overweight you will not lose weight. You will cause yourself to gain weight rather than lose weight. So take your weight loss in small parts and stop worrying about it. Stressing about the weight will not make you lose it anyway. Try doing yoga. It will reduce your stress levels and it is a very gentle way to begin into exercising. Pay attention to your breathing. If you have stressful situations in your life try to eliminate them and if you cannot eliminate them, then you will have to try to think about them in a different way. If you cannot change the circumstances then stop stressing about it. If you are around people that are causing added stress on you, try to shake them.

Increase your sleep time

All the health experts agree that we are a sleep-deprived generation. People are simply just not getting enough sleep. And less sleep lead to more weight gain. The less time that you spend not sleeping the more time you will spend eating. Most persons need 8-9 hours of sleep to function at the most optimal level. Yet most people do not even get 5 hours sleep per night. A great way to ensure that you will get a comfortable and full sleep is to make your sleeping surrounding as quiet as possible. In order for you to lose weight you must take control of your behavioral habits. You will have to reduce your stress levels to make sure that you are not carying undue stress and you will have to change your sleeping habit. Incorporate these changes in your life and you will notice a big difference in how well you will begin to lead a well balanced life and now you will be on your way to losing the weight.

About the Author

Jack!e Reid is an expert in weight loss management and fitness advice. She is an educator focusing on innovative and unique techniques to losing weight. She has done extensive research in the field of weight loss. And she continually explore new and exciting ways to lose weight and keep it off naturally. For a limited time, you can claim “ A breakthrough in Weight Loss Secrets” e-book absolutely free at

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Shocking Truth About Losing Weight Fast

When it comes to losing weight fast, most dieters, and people in general, seem to feel that this involves either starving yourself or taking diet pills. Unfortunately, if you've ever tried those methods, you know all too well that they don't work. If getting slim was only as easy as taking a pill!

The fact of the matter is that even though you want to shed pounds and look better, you still have to eat. Where the problem comes in is not always how much you eat, but what you eat. That is the difference between burning fat or gaining more.

How many low fat or low calorie diets have you tried over the years? If you're like me it was at least a couple! And they never worked because you always hit a quick weight loss plateau. This is due in part to your metabolism slowing down and adjusting to your diet. So you hit a plateau and can't seem to lose anymore weight.

Most weight loss programs follow a slower routine to losing the pounds. And with these programs come the requirements of things such as buying special meal plans, attending meetings every week or buying diet supplements. Not only can this become expensive, but it can become a time scheduling nightmare as well! So, isn't there any diet program that will burn off the fat without all of this insanity? Well, there is a solution.

There's a weight loss program that is only available online that has been helping countless numbers of people lose weight fast without all the hype and expense. It has a success rate that is very high and you may have even heard of it.

The diet is appropriately named "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" and despite its name, shows you how to safely lose up to 9 lbs every 11 days. That's right, 9 lbs. But the key word here is "safely". With most of your other accelerated fat burning programs that you see advertised all over the TV, radio and in stores, you have a whole laundry list of side effects that go along with them. (You know the ones that have a huge list that quickly scrolls down the screen at the end of the commercial). With Fat Loss 4 Idiots there are NO side effects and the weight you lose stays off.

Are you one who eats at least 3 meals a day or even more? Well, that's fine because you will find out how to use those meals to burn away the fat and get the body you've been wanting. You will also find a step-by-step plan to achieve the results that other diets such as the Atkins diet, South Beach, Jenny Craig, etc., haven't. The success of Fat Loss 4 Idiots speaks for itself.

So, don't give up and quit! And don't delay another minute in losing the weight you need to lose. You really can do it.

About the Author

You can find out more on how to Lose Weight Fast as well as much more information on weight loss at

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sugar - The Cause of Insulin Resistance in Our Body

Obesity is an epidemic in most western countries. It is a critical issue as it affects children as young as 5 years old. People who are overweight are not likely to be free from disease, pain and suffering until they normalize their weight. At the worst times, they feel weak, tired, depressed, and constantly craving food which is usually anything that has sugar. Most of them want to lose weight but it requires constant self-discipline to make better food choices which is hard for them. Eating the right food does not need to be hard, yet you can still eat all you want without going hungry. You don't have to eat less food, just better food.

Research concludes that fad diets merely lose fat temporarily. Most people start to put weight back as soon as they finish the program. They just can't keep going on with the fad diet for many good reasons. Additionally, fat-loss drugs are able to provide the greatest temporary weight loss, however they do put the body at risk to other health issues.

Science indicates the best way to lose fat and gain more muscle is by adopting 'better choice" eating habits and doing moderate exercise to help control the body hormone called 'insulin' from spiking. Your body uses insulin to escort blood sugar and other nutrients into the muscle cells to be used for fuel. This keeps us alive and energized. However, too much insulin can be detrimental. It can tell the body to store fat instead of using the glucose for fuel. Thus the body can't burn off the fat stored.

In addition, many hormonal systems that regulate our appetite, mood, muscle growth and others are disrupted by excessive insulin. This state of imbalance leads to many illnesses and an addiction to sugar which is present in most processed foods. Thus overcoming obesity becomes even more important.

Most people have learned to pay attention to how many calories or grams of fat they put into their body. Although this is inconvenient, it is a good thing to be conscious of it. Nevertheless we forget that sugar spiking plays havoc on our body fuel system. This is a deadly mistake. Low-calorie and low fat foods tend to be loaded with sugar or "sugar-mimics". Sugar comes in many forms including sucrose, glucose, fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed proteins, trans-fat and milk sugars such as lactose and maltose. Modern living makes us consume some type of sugar just about every time we put something into our mouth. Whether it is drinking "sports drinks", sodas, juices, beers or eating cereals, 'health food' bars and processed food, we are most probably consuming some sugar.

High sugar consumption long term is detrimental. It affects your metabolic rate. The high insulin accumulated in the body is not only toxic; it can lead to a medical condition known as insulin resistance. Thus glucose remains in the bloodstream. Blood sugar levels skyrocket. Recognizing the rise in blood glucose levels, the pancreas produces even more insulin which overloads the body system. This can lead to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Aging accelerates in people who suffer from insulin resistance and it can also cut some years from their lives!

Fasting is a powerful way to give your body a rest to allow the natural healing to work and toxins to be expelled. Try to do fasting regularly by simply skipping breakfast and or lunch on a given day and drink lots of water.

It is important to take nutritional supplements. They complement a healthy diet to provide optimal nutrition. Our bodies are made up of multiple complex systems in order for us to perform daily functions. Stressful lifestyles, poor eating habits, and environmental toxins all put greater stress on our body. A healthy diet combined with exercise and quality nutritional supplements offers you the best chance for optimal health.

For more information on healthy safe losing weight and keeping it off, check out my website at

Feel free to have a look around other useful health information on

About the Author

Jackie Khor is a home business consultant and internet / network marketer. Her passion is to help people from all walks of life to have an optimum health and freedom.

She and her family have been consuming these quality products for a few years and they are amazed at the health benefits they have noticed in themselves and in their customers.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How to Lose Weight Without Diet Pills

There isn't really a great secret with natural weight loss, just to eat properly (not too much) and of course get regular exercise; this guidance is lost on many! This should be an easy concept for the many overweight people around the world; with over a third of Americans, and millions in other countries who are gradually catching up, it obviously isn't that easy! Despite this, most of these overweight people want to be trim again although it is probably more for cosmetic reasons than those related to their health.

The truth is it is easier to maintain your weight than it is to lose excess pounds and the heavier you become the harder the weight loss becomes. Even though many people know this subconsciously very few actually plan to ensure that weight gain doesn't happen to them.

For some reason even when dieters who have become used to, and enjoy, a low calorie diet, they eventually drift back to old habits and start piling the pounds back on again. You can maintain your weight through natural weight loss methods and even if being at the center of unwanted attention doesn't convince you, surely your health should.

The truth is there is a huge price to pay with your health when you are overweight and in particular, clinically obese. The basics of eating correctly whilst maintaining a healthy weight is not all that complicated, in fact most people know pretty well what is best and that is losing weight naturally.

If you are planning to use a natural weight loss approach then its success will depend on the meals you eat which should be low in fat, high in fiber, some protein and carbohydrates. A meal containing this group would be something like a baked potato, vegetables and some meat, lean of course but it would not contain gravy or sour cream.

The problem is calories from dietary fat can be high and have a tendency to be retained by the body which is something that doesn't happen when excess calories are consumed with other foods. Manufacturers have realized that there is a huge market for low-fat or even fat-free products but the propensity and popularity of these foods are not lowering the average weight of the nation.

Whilst completely false, the perception is that you can basically eat exactly what you want provided it is fat-free but there are still calories in the food which can easily be converted to body fat. This is a trap that many people fall into and forget it's about eating from the correct food groups, and if you have to snack make it a small healthy one.

Health experts say it would be better to try eating every three to four hours, which may mean a nutritious low-fat snack between lunch and dinner. It's not always easy to lose weight, but if you take the time and focus on natural weight loss through sensible, controlled eating and exercise you will achieve lasting results.

About the Author

Rachel has successfully lose weight using calorie shifting diet and would like to share her success on it , please visit her blog here :

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Real Facts On Female Bodybuilding

You should first know that no amount of physical activity can give you your desired body if it is not coupled with bodybuilding nutrition and a total body workout. Actually, it is the bodybuilding nutrition that is the most vital factor in building the best body.

Female Bodybuilding Myth #1 - Weightlifting makes you look bulky.

Due to the fact that women do not and cannot naturally produce as much testosterone (one of the main hormones responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass. Unfortunately, the image that may come to your mind is that of professional female bodybuilders. Most of these women, unfortunately, use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve that high degree of muscularity.

In addition, most also have good genetics coupled with an unbelievable work ethic that enable them to gain muscle quickly when they spend hours in the gym lifting very heavy weights. Believe me when I say that they do not look like that by accident. Women who conduct weight training without the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in most fitness/figure shows these days.

Women's Weight Training Myth #2 - Exercise increases your chest size.

Sorry girls. Womens breasts are composed mostly of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is impossible to increase breast size through weight training. As a matter of fact, if you go below 12 percent body fat (which I do not recommend doing), your breast size will decrease. Weight training does increase the size of the back, so this misconception probably comes from confusing an increase in back size with an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your breast size is by gaining fat or getting breast implants

Womens Weight Training Myth #3 - Weight training makes you stiff and musclebound.

If you perform all exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility will increase. Exercises like flyes, stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching capabilities will increase.

Women's Weight Training Myth #4 - If you stop weight training your muscles turn into fat.

This is like saying that gold can turn into brass. Fat and muscle are two completely different types of human tissue. What happens many times is that when people decide to go off their weight training programs they start losing muscle due to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually drop the diet as well. Therefore bad eating habits combined with the fact that their metabolism is lower due to inactivity, and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the impression that the subjects muscle is being turned into fat while in reality what is happening is that muscle is being lost and fat is being accumulated.

Women's Weight Training Myth #5 - Weight training turns fat into muscle.

More alchemy. This is the equivalent of saying that you can turn any metal into gold; don't we wish! The way a body transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight training and losing fat through aerobics and diet simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.

Women's Weight Training Myth #6 - As long as you exercise you can eat anything that you want.

How I wish this were true also! However, this could not be further from the truth. Metabolism for an individual is determined by how many calories we burn while we exercise and while we rest. If we eat more calories than we burn on a consistent basis, our bodies will accumulate these extra calories as fat regardless of the amount of exercise that we do. The myth may have been started by people with such high metabolic rates that no matter how much they eat or what they eat, they rarely meet or exceed the amount of calories that they burn in one day unless they put their mind into reaching that goal. Therefore, their weight either remains stable or goes down.

Women's Weight Training Myth #7 - Women only need to do cardio and if they decide to lift weights, they should be very light.

First of all, if you only did cardio then muscle and fat would be burned for fuel. One needs to do weights in order to get the muscle building machine going and thus prevent any loss of muscle tissue. Women that only concentrate on cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look that they want. As far as the lifting of very light weights, this is just more nonsense. Muscle responds to resistance and if the resistance is too light, then there will be no reason for the body to change.

Women Should Train Hard Myth #8 I have trained with girls that train as hard as I do and they look nothing but feminine. If you want to look great, don't be afraid to pick up the weights and lift hard!

About the Author

expert Keishon Martin who writes for where you can get the best weight lifting / weight loss program on the internet. also check out

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Diabetics Can Lose Weight Fast And Easy - More Strategies

Diabetes is on the rise and as a result many are wondering how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy. By losing weight, diabetics can improve their condition and even get rid of the disease altogether. Following the strategies below you can learn how to lose weight fast and improve your overall health.

More Fresh and Less Processed

The first key for how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy is to understand the importance of eating fresh foods over processed ones. How much of what you eat comes in some kind of package and how much is fresh? Fresh means that it is a close to its original state as possible. For example, fresh broccoli has a lot more nutrition it in than frozen broccoli.

Likewise, how much of what you eat is made from processed white flour? Do you eat a lot of bread or pizza? Heavily processed foods have had all the nutrients processed right out of them so all that is left is high calorie filler.

Because these foods have very little vitamins, minerals and enzymes in them, you become hungry again really fast and desire to eat even more, making you fatter and fatter. Try to at least eat as much fresh foods as you do processed. And if you feel you can be successful, try to tip the scale to 60% fresh and 40% processed. Or, 70/30 would be even better.

The Power of Before and After Photos

You can get quite a boost in motivation and energy when you can compare the new you to the old you. Be sure to take a picture of yourself, even if you don't like having pictures of the chubby you around.

You will be blown away after you lose 20, 40 60 pounds and can compare the difference. Documentation of your success can give you the boost in motivation to you going and either continue to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight if you have already made it.

It is also very normal for someone trying to make the significant lifestyle changes needed to lose weight to fall down now and again. The business of life may keep you from exercising for a couple weeks allowing some of the weight you have lost to come back.

Pulling out of photo of the old and overweight you may be all that is required to get you back on track. It can give you the determination to prioritize your life and make exercise a priority.

Food Labels are for Reading

Another crucial key for knowing how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy is to know what you are eating. This is especially true since sugar, in all its forms, is lurking in all sorts of places you would never imagine.

You can't trust a food product based on the front of the package. Whatever the manufacturer puts on the front is designed to sell the product, not inform. To be informed about what you are eating, you have to read the ingredients label on the back.

One thing that makes us gain weight is eating empty calories. Empty calories only make us feel full for a short while. The body hunger is only satisfied when it gets the nutrients it needs. If you eat junk food or fast food, you will quickly become hungry again when the body realizes that it didn't get the nutrients it needed from the last meal.

Read the label and make sure that there is a good calorie to nutrient ratio. Here's a good tip: stay away from most heavily processed foods. They are full of calories and have very little nutrients.

These three strategies are the foundation for knowing how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy. Eating more fresh foods instead of processed ones, motivating yourself with before and after photos, and learning how to look at food labels will start you on your way to a healthy life.

About the Author

Learn more tips like these. Just contact Learn how to lose weight fast Learn how to lose weight quickly

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Steps to improving your metabolism

There are several factors that affect the metabolism of a person, such as the amount of muscle tissue, the frequency of the meals one consumes, genetics, stress levels, personal diet and activity levels. Metabolism slows done due to the following: loss of muscle because of not enough physical activity, the tendency of the body to cannibalize its own tissue because there is not enough food energy to sustain it, and the decrease of physical activity that comes naturally with old age.

Here are several ways to rev up your metabolism. Build up on lean, mean body mass. It is only natural that metabolism decreases along with age, but it is possible to counter the effects. The amount of muscle a person has is a very strong determinant in the ability to burn calories and shed fat. So it goes without saying that exercise is essential. Build strength and resistance by working out at least twice a week, preferably with weights.

Do easy exercises in between workouts. Simple tasks such as walking the dog and using the stairs in place of the elevator can already take off calories. The key is to match the amount of eating to the amount of activity one has. Here are some guidelines in getting the right exercise:

For strength training

Increase the amount of repetitions of a particular exercise. Add the level of resistance. Utilize advance exercise techniques if possible. For cardiovascular training insert intervals between exercises, perform cross training and combine the exercises, add up on resistance and speed.

Eat breakfast. A lot of people are ignoring the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Surprisingly, the ones who eat breakfast are thinner than the ones who do not. Metabolism can slow down considerably if breakfast is taken during mid-morning or if one waits until the afternoon to eat.

Avoid sugar. Sugar enables the body to store fat. It is recommended that a person consumes food that helps sustain an even level of blood sugar. Additionally, progressive execerise 2 to 3 times a week should be in order to stabilize blood sugar.

Eat spicy foods. Hot cuisine with peppers can increase metabolism.

Sleep more. According to research, it is riskier for people who do not get enough sleep to gain weight. Also, muscles are regenerated during the last couple of hours of slumber.

Increase water intake. Water flushes out toxins that are produced whenever the body burns fat. Majority of bodily functions involves water, and lack of water causes the body system's operations to decrease its speed, and produces unneeded stress as a result.

Eat smaller meals. It is advisable to consume 4 to 6 small meals that are timed 2 to 3 hours apart.

Never skip meals. People tend to skip meals in order to lose weight, which is a big mistake since it slows down metabolism.

Plan meals in detail. Always prepare the right amount of food to be consumed at the designated intervals. Do not commit the mistake of eating meals in sporadic patterns.

Ditch the stress! Stress, be it physical or emotional, triggers the release of a steroid called cortisol, which decreases metabolism. Also, people tend to eat excessively when stressed.

Guzzle up on green tea. It can be used as a substitute for coffee. Tea has the ability to stimulate metabolism, and unlike coffee, it has no undesirable side effects when too much is consumed.

Include more energy foods in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains.

Achieving the desired body weight is never impossible if one has the determination and patience needed to stabilize the metabolism level, which plays an important role in weight loss. A person needs to realize that eating right and working out is not just a passing fancy, but a way of life.

There are a lot of people who would give a lot to increase their metabolism. Having a high level of metabolism enables one to maintain burn fat and lose weight fast with the least amount of activity. Metabolism is the rate by which the body produces and consumes energy and calories to support life.

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